Sonia Fernández Pan


Sonia Fernández Pan (*Vitoria, lives and works in Berlin) writes, does (in)dependent curatorial projects and likes to dance in the anonymity of the dancefloor. Conversation, friendship and entropy are part of her research methodology, thanks to the continuous exchange of gestures and ideas with other people. She is co-curator of You Got To Get In To Get Out, a project that stems from a long-term research on techno that she carried out together with Carolina Jiménez for La Casa Encendida in Madrid. The result was an exhibition, a public programme and a catalogue on the subject. She is also the host of several podcasts for Promise no Promises! a research project and think tank tasked to assess, develop, and propose new social languages and methods to understand the role of women and gender in the arts, culture, science and technology at Institute Art Gender Nature, HGK Basel FHNW. She has recently published Edit with Caniche Editorial, a book from the dance floor that produces a continuous remix of texts mirroring each other.
