

Paul Hauptmeier and Martin Recker are part of a generation of artists who experiment with multimedia and technologies to spark reflection on some of the relevant issues of our time. In their practice, they simplify complex theoretical concepts with a striking visual and auditory experience.

During their residency at Ses12naus, the artists have focused their research on issues related to water in the context of Ibiza. Their interest lies in exploring the complex feedback mechanisms between the sea and freshwater resources, sonically mapping diverse aquatic ecosystems, as well as the modern and historical infrastructure of the island.

Based on this research, Hauptmeier | Recker have created HYDRO LOGICAL, a site-specific installation for La Carpintería, where, through the prism of Ibiza, reflect on the complexities of our relationship with our most important resource.

`We are all burnt by ultraviolet rays. We all contain water in about the same ratio as Earth does, and salt water in the same ratio that the oceans do. We are poems about the hyperobject Earth´. Timothy Morton, Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World.


Times: Tuesday to Friday. 8pm - 11pm.


Paul Hauptmeier (1993) and Martin Recker (1991) are composers working in the fields of composition, sound, and multimedia art. Since more than fifteen years they have been working together as an artist duo named Hauptmeier | Recker. The duo is engaged in diverse domains, spanning opera, live electronic performance, radio art, electroacoustic music, and site-specific installation. They are co-founders and board members of ZiMMT – Center for Immersive Media Art, Music and Technology (Germany). For ZiMMT, they curate events and conduct research in the field of spatial audio. Since 2022, the duo teaches sound art at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art (Germany).


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